Perennial Flowers for Summer: 11 Garden Essentials for the Best Yard on the Block

"Discover my top perennial flowers for a vibrant summer garden and their key aids. I've realized that specific perennials and shrubs truly shine. Get the best yard with these 11 gardening essentials!"

Favorite Perennials for Easy Summer Gardening and Essential Supporting Cast

Over recent years, I've found joy and fulfillment in caring for perennial flowers and shrubs. Even though vegetable gardening is fun, my heart lies with low-maintenance perennial plants. Creating a perennial garden is like creating a timeless home - beautiful and always evolving. The right perennials offer high rewards for minimal effort. I'll share my essential perennials for an easy summer garden in USDA hardiness zone 6b.


Hostas offer a solid foundation for your perennial summer garden. I often forget their vibrant midsummer blooms after enjoying their green leaves in spring. Check out my tips on growing hostas: Seven Hosta Mistakes That Everyone Keeps Making


Ferns: elegant, timeless choice for planters, porch pots, & gardens. Struggled with ferns? Learn How to Actually Keep a Fern Alive.


A shrub, not a perennial flower, that adds movement and personality to gardens, blooming or not. Favorite rose tip: How to Use Epsom Salt for Roses

Solomon’s Seal

Solomon’s seal perennials are low-maintenance, adapt well to shady locations, and come back stronger every year. They bloom in late spring and enhance your garden with graceful arching leaves. Ideal for new gardeners. Read next: How to Grow Solomon’s Seal.


An essential for cottage gardens, peonies become a beautiful, leafy shrub after blooming. Learn to multiply your peonies: How to Successfully Divide and Transplant Peonies


Drought-tolerant sun lover, catmint blooms from mid-spring to autumn. Cats are attracted to its aroma, especially when leaves are torn. Learn More


Panicle hydrangeas are a necessary focal point in gardens, tolerant of sun exposure and perfect for shaded flower beds. Is it truly summer without hydrangeas? How to Plant Panicle Hydrangeas

Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny, often sold as an annual at garden centers, works as a bright chartreuse ground cover in shady/sunny areas. Its color can change based on sunlight received. It spreads quickly yet managed by hand. How to Grow Creeping Jenny as a Perennial


Boxwoods are essential shrubs for adding structure and greenery in the garden throughout the year. While they require a little care in their initial years, they become nearly maintenance-free and drought-tolerant later on. Had trouble growing boxwoods before? Check this out: How to Grow Healthy Boxwoods


Lavender is a favorite for its fragrant summer blooms and year-round garden interest. Learn to grow in your garden: Everything You Need to Know About Lavender Plant Care


These annual sunflowers self-seed so they act like perennials. Allow them to drop seeds for low-maintenance/high impact display next year. Learn How to Plant Sunflower Seeds.